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    Contact Us Address Nemesis House, 1 Oxford Court, Bishopsgate, Manchester M2 3WQ Contact Become An Artist 0161 228 6404 To apply to Nemesis Casting Click Here

  • Privacy Policy | NEMESISCASTING

    Privacy Policy PRIVACY POLICY 1. Introduction We are Talent Experts Ltd (“we” or “us”), a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 8512234 and our registered office is at 1 Oxford Court, Bishopsgate, Manchester M2 3WQ. Our registered VAT number is 170367316. We are committed to protecting your personal data. This privacy policy gives you detailed information on when and why we collect your personal data, how we use it and how we keep it secure. Please read this policy carefully alongside any applicable Terms & Conditions to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it. More information can be provided on request. Definitions, and words in bold type, are defined in the Appendix at the end of this privacy policy. 2. Our responsibilities For the purpose of the applicable Data Protection Legislation, we are the data controller of any personal data we process. As a data controller, we are responsible for ensuring our systems, processes, suppliers and People comply with Data Protection Legislation in relation to the personal data we handle. We require our People to comply with this privacy policy and our Data Protection Policy when dealing with personal data. We take Personal Data Breaches very seriously, and are required to notify the Information Commissioner’s Office in the event of such a breach. When using, collecting and disclosing personal data, we follow the key data protection principles. We have policies, procedures and records to demonstrate compliance with the principles, as further detailed in our Data Protection Policy. 3. How we collect, use and disclose your personal data Generally, we collect your personal data when you interact with us (for example, when entering into a relationship with us as Talent, a Client or one of our People). However, from time to time we also need to collect personal data from other third parties in connection with our relationship with you. We also look at how our users access and use our Website, so we can offer the best possible experience. The following table summarises how we collect, use and disclose your personal data: Talent (including prospective Talent) Clients (including prospective Clients) Subscribers to our promotional material Users of our Website Our People 4. Transfer of data between jurisdictions Personal data may be transferred to one of our Affiliate Talent Agencies for the purposes of fulfilling our obligations to our Talent and Clients. We also use a number of suppliers in connection with the operation of our business and they may have access to the personal data we process. For example, an IT supplier may see our personal data when providing software support, or a company which we use for a marketing campaign may process contacts’ personal data for us. When contracting with suppliers and/or transferring personal data to a different jurisdiction, we take appropriate steps to ensure that there is adequate protection in place and that the principles are adhered to. 5. Your Rights Personal data must be processed in line with an individual’s rights, including the right to: • request a copy of their personal data; • request that their inaccurate personal data is corrected; • request that their personal data is deleted and destroyed when causing damage or distress; and • opt out of receiving electronic communications from us. Should you wish to make a request in line with your rights as an individual, please forward it to us using the contact details provided at the end of this privacy policy. The Data Protection Legislation gives you the right to access information held about you. Your right of access can be exercised in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation (as applicable). 6. Security Information security is a key element of data protection. We take appropriate measures to secure personal data and protect it from loss or unauthorised disclosure or damage. Our policy and approach to information security is contained within our Data Protection Policy. 7. Cookies Our Website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our Website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our Website and also allows us to improve our Website. For detailed information on the cookies we use and the purposes for which we use them see our Cookie Policy. 8. Changes to our privacy policy Any changes we may make to this privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy. 9. Contacts and complaints Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy policy are welcomed and should be addressed to our customer service team by writing to us . Date updated: September 2019. Appendix Affiliate Talent Agencies: model and/or talent agencies in jurisdictions outside of the UK who have either: (a) engaged us to provide modelling and/or talent agency services on their behalf in the UK.; or (b) been engaged by us to provide modelling and/or talent agency services on our behalf in a jurisdiction outside of the UK. Clients: any person, business or other organisation who engages, or is looking to engage, the services of our Talent. Controller: a personal/organisation who determines the purpose for which, and the manner in which, any personal data is processed. Data Protection Policy: our internal data protection policy which sets out how we keep personal data secure, including technical measures (e.g. encryption of personal data, restricted access to personal data, monitoring and testing systems for unauthorised access , backups of personal data), roles and responsibilities of individuals and the scope of protection. People: all people providing services to or working for us, including but not limited to our employees, directors, members, and contractors. Personal data: information (including opinions) which relates to an individual and from which he or she can be identified either directly or indirectly through other data which we have or are likely to have in our possession. These individuals are sometimes referred to as data subjects. Personal Data Breach: a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed by an organisation electronically. A personal data breach may mean someone outside the organisation gets unauthorised access to personal data, but a breach can occur if there is unauthorised access within the organisation or if an employee accidentally alters or deletes personal data. Principles: the core data protection principles underlying the Data Protection Legislation, which specify personal data should be: processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner; collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes; adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary; accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; kept for no longer than is necessary; processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures. Additionally, organisations must adhere to the principal of accountability. Process: the ‘processing’ of personal data captures a wide range of activities, and includes obtaining, recording and holding personal data and performing any operation of the personal data (including erasure/destruction). Processor: any person (other than an employee of the data controller) who processes the data on behalf of the data controller. Purpose: the purposes identified in the “Purpose” column of the tables in section 3 of this privacy policy (How we collect, use and disclose your personal data), as applicable. Talent: models and/or other talent who have engaged, or are looking to engage, our modelling and/or talent agency services and are or are considering being, represented by us. Terms and Conditions: the terms and conditions for booking talent, and website terms of use. Third party: a person, organisation or other body other than the data subject, controller, processor and persons who, under the direct authority of the controller or processor, are authorised to process personal data. September 2019


    APPLY & JOIN US! First Name Last Name Email What division are you applying for? Option to click Supporting artist or Commercials Where are you based? Do you have a driving licence? Are you with any other agency? Do you have a DBS? How many days are you available Mon-Friday? Please tell us a little bit about yourself and include any relevant experience. Please upload headshots Upload File Upload supported file (Max 15MB) Please upload bodyshots Upload File Upload supported file (Max 15MB) Submit Thanks for submitting!


    ABOUT US We are NEMESIS CASTING agency, representing supporting artists, walk ons, actors, presenters, dancers, commercial artists & families. Over the North West we cover a variety of productions from drama & comedy to commercials, music videos and corporates. We pride ourselves in building personal, 1 to 1 relationships with our artists to ensure they reach their dreams & goals within this industry. We are a passionate, progressive and outgoing team, constantly striving to find new talent from all walks of life You must be aged 17 and above to apply and ideally own your own transport as call times can be as early as 6am so it's not always possible to rely on public transport. All SA's must hold a current DBS (Basic Disclosure Certificate). TV Production companies give Basic DBS' a timeline of 18 months before they need to be renewed. Enhanced certificates can be used for 3 years for TV work. ​ As an SA you will be working on a self-employed basic so therefore responsible for your own Tax and NI contributions. ​ If you would like to submit an application please head over to our APPLY section. ​ ​ AGENCY MANAGER JULIE HOLT HEAD OF COMMERCIALS | AGENT LILLI GRIFFITH DIRECTOR NIGEL MARTIN-SMITH OUR STORY OUR SYSTEM OUR SUCCESS Nigel Martin-Smith opened Nidges Casting Agency in 1981 and merged it with another agency in 1989 to become Boss Agency before giving up his interest in that business to create Take That - a band that went on to be one of the most successful bands since The Beatles. Nigel is renowned for finding and developing new talent and in 1994 he launched Nemesis Agency in a custom built office and studio complex just off St Peters Square and now, almost 30 years later Nemesis is going from strength to strength and about to open a new office in Soho W1. Artists that have had no formal training or professional stage experience are placed on our supporting artist register and from here they will work as background artists in many productions in television, film and commercials. They will also be able to audition for many professional workshops that we run in our agency studios - from Acting for TV to How To Cast For Commercials, we offer pre-professional training on camera and artists that excel in these workshops are then offered representation on our Commercial Division, Actors Division and so on. Many of our supporting artists have gone on to achieve major success in the media. From Gary Barlow (Take That) who originally met up with Nigel to be a TV extra to Alice Barry who did a day as a featured extra in Shameless and went on to play Lillian in 10 seasons of this popular series. Similarly, leading actor Warren Brown originally started as an extra with Nemesis before numerous small parts led to him joining our associate agency Urban Talent Actors and then starring in Luther, Strike, Good Cop and a host of other major productions. Other leading names to emerge from our agency group include Michelle Keegan, Mel Sykes, Sam Robertson, James Murray, Adam Rickitt and Owen Warner.

  • Terms & Conditions | NEMESISCASTING

    Terms & Conditions ​ Terms and conditions for booking models Issued by the Association of Model Agents TV Commercials and Television contract engagements are subjected to British Equity Terms & Conditions unless otherwise agreed in writing. ​ 1. Terms and conditions As required by Department of Employment regulations, the Agency’s booking confirmation form, containing the specific terms of the booking, must be signed and returned by the client. The failure to sign and/or return the booking confirmation form whilst proceeding with the booking will be deemed to be an acceptance by the client of these terms and conditions and they shall apply to and govern the booking between the Agency and the client. Any amendment and/or variations made to the booking confirmation form by the client shall not be valid and binding unless the Agency has agreed to such amendment and/or variation in advance and confirmed such agreement by signing the booking confirmation form after the amendment and/or variation has been included on the booking confirmation form. ​ 2. Booking fees a) Permitted use Unless agreed otherwise and included on the booking confirmation form, booking fees provide an entitlement and right for the client to use one image via a single published medium for one year from the date of the booking, in the United Kingdom only, for the initial permitted use. Please note that such permitted use and entitlement is strictly subject to payment in full of all fees owed to the Agency. b) Daily/hourly rate A ‘day’ is an 8-hour period including one hour for lunch, between 09.00 and 18.00 (usually 9am to 5pm or 10am to 6pm) An extra hour between 9am and 6pm is charged at the normal rate – the appropriate overtime rate is charged only before 9am or after 6pm. Any booking which is over 5 hours will be charged at the day rate. Booking fees are charged by the day or by the hour, or on an alternative basis, for example, a set fee for a catwalk show. Details will be set out in the booking confirmation form. c) Overtime Overtime rates apply at any time in excess of any 8 hour period including any time outside 09:00 and 17:00 or 10:00 and 18:00. Monday to Friday and on all bookings lasting longer than 8 hours. Overtime rates will be charged as follows: I) Work on Saturdays between 09:00 and 24:00 and between 18:00 hours and 24:00 hours on Mondays to Fridays (excluding bank and public holidays) is charged to the client at one and a half times the standard hourly rate. II) A special rate is negotiated for night work between 2400 hours and 0900 hours. III) Work on Sundays and bank and public holidays is charged to the client at double the standard hourly rate. d) Travel Any time spent by the model travelling to or from a client’s venue will be charged at half the hourly rate: this applies to any travel outside a five mile radius e) Fitting fees Any time spent by the model for fittings is charged at half the appropriate hourly rate with a minimum charge to the client of £50 per hour. f) Additional expenses All expenses incurred by the Agency on the clients’ behalf will be charged to the client and will include a percentage uplift on the total amount of the expenses. g) Location bookings When a location booking is made, a client must provide transport for the model both to the booking location and back again unless agreed otherwise. If the client fails to provide such transport then the Agency shall be entitled to re-charge the cost of the transport procured for the model in accordance with section 2f). If a model on location is prevented from returning to London to work, half the daily fee will be charged to and payable by the client ​ 3. Additional fees To be agreed at the time of the booking or before any additional usage a) Usage Additional fees are payable for the right to use the model's image or reproductions, or adaptations of, or drawings derived from that image, or any other representation of it, either complete or in part whether alone or in conjunction with any wording or other images, photographs, drawings or anticipated purposes other than the initial permitted use, details of which will be set out in the booking confirmation form, e.g. packs, posters, showcards, record covers, swing tickets etc. Unless otherwise agreed, the additional fees cover the right to use one image for one year from the date of booking, in the United Kingdom only, for the permitted use or uses or purposes agreed between the Agency and the client. Under no circumstances will each additional usage fee be less than the model's advertising day rate as determined by the Agency unless determined otherwise by the Agency in its absolute discretion. b) Territory Additional fees are also payable for the right to use the model's image or reproductions etc, as set out in section 3a) above for all known or anticipated territories other than the United Kingdom. Unless otherwise agreed the additional fees cover the right to use one image for one year or one season (as determined by the Agency at the date of booking) from the date of booking, in the territory or territories agreed and stipulated on the booking form. Under no circumstances will each usage fee be less than the model's advertising day rate as determined by the Agency unless determined otherwise by the Agency in its absolute discretion. c) Other services Additional fees are also payable for other services to be supplied by the model, for example, personal appearances for PR purposes. Fees for such services will be negotiated on a case by case basis. ​ 4. Agency Fees a) All bookings apart from equity contract TV commercials The agency charges a supplement of 20% on all fees including without limitation hourly, daily and overtime fees and all fees for the right to use and all fees negotiated for any other service to be supplied by the model. Both agency fees and model fees will be invoiced by the Agency. Unless otherwise agreed at the time of booking the model disbursement is included at 66.7% and the agent's fee at 33.3% of the invoice total. b) Equity contract TV commercials in the United Kingdom The fee negotiated by the Agency is the model’s fee from which an agency commission will be deducted at 20% of the invoice total. c) Non equity contract TV commercials worldwide The model disbursement and agency fees will be charged in accordance with 4a) and applies to all commercials shot for use outside the UK irrespective of where the fee is paid. d) Value added tax All sums payable under these terms and conditions are exclusive of VAT and any other similar or equivalent taxes or duties which shall be payable in full without set off by the client. ​ 5. Invoicing On all invoices payment is required to be made by the client within 30 days of the date of the invoice. In all cases, the person booking the model is the client, who will be invoiced and solely responsible for payment, unless otherwise agreed in writing at the time of booking. the Agency reserves the right in its discretion to invoice the 'ultimate client', (eg. designer/ manufacturer/owner of the product in question). For example, this may be done if the client is booking on behalf of the ultimate client, in which case the client and the ultimate client are jointly and severally liable to pay all of the fees and settle the invoice accordingly. All fees for usage are for the right to use the model's image and, once agreed, are payable whether or not the right is exercised. Unless the Agency specifically agrees otherwise, in writing, no usage for the model's image is permitted until payment is made in full. The agency reserves the right to alter payment terms if it deems appropriate, prior to booking. If the client fails to pay in full on the due date any amount which is payable to the Agency, without prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Agency, the amount outstanding shall bear interest both before and after any judgment at five per cent per annum over Barclays Bank plc base rate from time to time from the due date until up to and including the date that payment is made in full and such interest shall be compounded and accrued on a daily basis. ​ 6. Exclusivity fees Unless agreed otherwise the model is supplied to the client by the Agency on a non-exclusive basis and the model shall be free to provide similar and/or competing services to any third party and/or competing product or brand of the client. An additional fee will need to be agreed when the use of the model's image or the service to be supplied by a model in relation to a product is required on an exclusive or semi-exclusive (for example sector specific exclusivity) basis which precludes supplying services or allowing the use of the model's image for competing and/or particular sector of products or within a particular territory. A model can supply services to and allow use of the model's image by any competitor unless such an exclusivity fee is negotiated and paid by the client. It is the client's responsibility to carry out any research and check whether the model supplied has undertaken or is booked to undertake any conflicting work. ​ 7. Provisional bookings Provisional bookings will be automatically cancelled if they are not confirmed by the client (by signing the booking confirmation form) within 24 hours of the proposed booking. ​ 8. Cancellations Cancellation of booking by the Client Within 24 hours of the booking call time the full booking fee will be charged and payable by the client unless the same model is booked within 24 hours of the cancellation in which case half the booking fee will be charged and payable by the client. Outside 24 hours of the booking call time but within 48 hours of the booking call time of the booking date then half the booking fee will be charged and payable by the client. The full booking fee will be charged and payable by the client for bookings of more than three days duration: within a period equal to or less than the length of the booking, then Saturdays, Sundays and bank and public holidays are excluded for the purpose of determining the cancellation notice period. Cancellation of booking by the Agency Should the Agency want to cancel a booking then it shall use reasonable endeavours to provide the client with reasonable notice, take steps to offer to the client a suitable replacement and/or substitute and take such other reasonable steps as are reasonably practicable to mitigate against such cancellation. In any event the Agency shall be entitled to cancel a booking at any time and for any reason prior to the booking date without liability to the client and the client will procure the necessary insurance cover to protect against such cancellation and any associated liability. ​ 9. Weather related cancellations On the first occasion of cancellation half the booking fee is charged and payable by the client unless the client fails to cancel in time to prevent the model's attendance in which case the full booking fee is charged and payable by the client. On the occasion of the second cancellation and any subsequent cancellations the full booking fee is charged and payable by the client. ​ 10. Meals Clients are responsible for the provision of all meals and beverage requirements of the models (taking into account dietary requirements) whilst the models are providing services to the client on all bookings (see section 2d)). ​ 11. Model care and safety The clients shall ensure that the model is treated with respect and professionalism and that the client takes all steps necessary to ensure that the safety, health and well being of the model is protected and maintained at all times whilst providing services to the client. Such steps shall include without limitation: a) ensuring that the venue for the provision of the services and the working conditions are safe and secure and allow the model to provide the services in compliance with all health and safety standards, regulations, codes and laws; b) allowing the model to take suitable and regular rest periods, to ensure the model is able to maintain suitable amounts of rest and refreshment whilst delivering the services; c) providing adequate levels of insurance cover to safeguard the health and safety and future earnings of the model whilst the model is delivering the services and travelling to and from the client’s venue as if he/she were an employee of the client; d) ensuring that all of the people and organisations which are engaged by the client in relation to the delivery of the services are suitably qualified, experienced and professional; e) ensuring that no one imposes upon the model any action or activity which is either dangerous, degrading, unprofessional or demeaning to the model; f) ensuring that the services are delivered and the model is treated in accordance with The Association of Model Agents’ Code of Practice; and g) providing the model with an appropriate changing and dressing area to ensure that the model can prepare for the provision of the services and also maintains his/her privacy. Always include a credit as “model’s name” @ “the Agency”, wherever a credit is applied. ​ 12. Warranties a) The client warrants and represents to the Agency that: I) it has full capacity to enter into these terms and conditions and perform its obligations under these terms and conditions; II) the booking form is executed by a duly authorised representative of the client; III) it will take all steps necessary to ensure that the model is protected and treated in accordance with all applicable laws, good industry practice and section 11 above; IV) it has all necessary permits, licences and consents to enter into and to perform its obligations under these terms and conditions and such obligations shall be performed in compliance with all applicable laws, enactments, orders, regulations, and other similar instruments; and V) it will promptly disclose to the Agency in writing all necessary information (including without limitation the location and length of the shoot and requirements for any foreign travel) and details relating to the provision of the services to enable the Agency to ensure that the model is suitably prepared and able to perform the services. ​ 13. Fashion shows Catwalk bookings provide the client with the right to make use of a model's services on the catwalk for the specified show and the right to allow photographers to be present to take photographs and videos of the show on the basis that all such material (or reproductions etc. as set out in section 3b above) is exploited for reporting purposes only. The client is responsible for ensuring that all photographers present are aware of this condition and the client will procure that they abide by these conditions. If any other usage is required it must be negotiated and agreed with the Agency at the time of the booking. ​ 14. Music videos, Promotional films All fees will be negotiated, structured and paid by the client for on a case by case basis. In normal circumstances there will be a fee for the shoot plus an additional buyout fee payable by the client. If not booking direct, the client (usually the music company) will be invoiced by the Agency as the ultimate client (see section 5). ​ 15. Test and experimental photography When the Agency agrees to allow a photographer to take test or experimental photography the photographer is not entitled to use, or allow others to use, test and/or experimental photographs or test commercials for commercial purposes unless specific arrangements have been made before the photographic session. ​ 16. Intellectual property rights The photographer and/or the client and anyone obtaining rights from or through the photographer/client is not entitled to use any images for any usage beyond that agreed or permitted under sections 2a), 3, 12, 13 and 14 above. The client will procure that the photographer/client agrees to restrict the use and exploitation of the copyright content of the photograph or any other intellectual property rights. If the client is not the photographer, the client is to draw all these terms and conditions (1-22) to the attention of the photographer and procure his agreement to them before the shoot commences. All rights not expressly granted to the client under these terms and conditions are hereby reserved to the Agency and/or the model as appropriate. In particular, the client acknowledges and agrees that the Agency is the owner or licence holder of all commercial rights and intellectual property rights relating to the model and the Agency and the client shall not be entitled to exploit or enter into any commercial or other agreement to exploit any rights relating to the model or the Agency other than the rights specifically granted to the client under these terms and conditions. ​ 17. Liability and insurance a) No party excludes or limits its liability under these terms and conditions for: I) death or personal injury caused by its negligence; II) fraudulent misrepresentation; or II) any other type of liability which cannot by law be excluded or limited. b) Subject to section 17a, the Agency limits its liability under these terms and conditions, whether such liability arises in contract, tort (including without limitation negligence) or otherwise, so that the maximum liability of the Agency for all claims under these terms and conditions shall be limited to and shall not in aggregate exceed the total amount of the fees paid or payable to the Agency; c) the Agency shall not be liable for: I) loss of business, use, profit, anticipated profit, contracts, revenues, goodwill or anticipated savings; II) product recall costs; III) failure by the model to attend a booking for whatever reason; IV) damage to the client’s reputation; or V) consequential, special or indirect loss or damage; even if the Agency has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage d) The client shall effect and maintain (and shall require its ultimate client, if any, to maintain) throughout the continuance of this terms and condition insurance policies which provide appropriate coverage adequate enough to cover all liabilities and risks of the client that may arise under these terms and conditions. Such insurance policies shall include without limitation: I) cancellation insurance to protect against the potential liabilities which the Agency and the client may incur as a consequence of the provisions of sections 8 and 9; II) insurance to protect the model and the Agency should any damage, injury or loss be caused whilst the model is providing services to the client; and III) travel insurance to cover the activities of the models whilst travelling to and from the location of the services. ​ 18. Contract and authority All matters relating to the use of the model's image, any other services supplied by the model and all fees must be negotiated and agreed only with the Agency. The client shall not attempt to negotiate, nor allow others to negotiate, with the models directly. If the client or the photographer or any other person on their behalf or connected with them obtains the model's signature on any document or the model's purported verbal agreement to anything, that is not binding on the model or the Agency unless and until it is agreed in writing by the Agency (such agreement to be determined in the Agency’s absolute discretion). ​ 19. Complaints and disclaimer Any cause for complaint must be reported to the Agency by the client as soon as it arises. Complaints cannot be considered and/or dealt with effectively after the services have been delivered. Whilst the Agency will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the models provide a satisfactory and efficient service to clients, as the agent, the Agency cannot be held responsible for a model's conduct or behaviour whilst delivering the services and in this regard the Agency shall not be held liable for any costs, expenses or losses suffered as a consequence of the behaviour or conduct of any model. ​ 20 Force Majeure The Agency’s shall not be liable to the client for any delay in performing or failure to perform any of its obligations under these terms and conditions which is due to any cause beyond its control and which is unknown to, and cannot reasonably be anticipated by the Agency including without limitation fire, floor or catastrophe, acts of God, insurrection, workforce action, war or riots, (an "Event of Force Majeure") and the Agency’s obligations under these terms and conditions shall be suspended for so long as the Event of Force Majeure continues and to the extent that it is so delayed. ​ 21 Interpretation of terms and conditions a) For the purpose of the relationship between the client and the Agency the client acknowledges, accepts and agrees that the Agency is the supplier of services which shall be strictly and exclusively governed by these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions apply to every offer, quotation, acceptance, purchase order, confirmation order, specification and/or contract for the sale and supply of services or goods (including services ancillary thereto) by the Agency and supersede any other terms of the client and take precedence over and override and exclude any other terms stipulated or incorporated or referred to by the client whether in the booking confirmation form or in any negotiations and any course of dealing established between the Agency and the client. The client acknowledges that there are no representations, statements or promises made or given by or on behalf of the Agency outside these terms and conditions which have induced the client to enter into these terms and conditions (which expression shall include any contract of which these terms and conditions form part). b) If there is any conflict between any of these terms and conditions and the booking confirmation form then the terms of these terms and conditions shall prevail without detriment to the remaining unaffected terms of booking confirmation form. c) The booking confirmation forms part of these terms and conditions and shall have effect as if set out in full in the body of these terms and conditions. Any reference to these terms and conditions includes the booking confirmation form. d) For the purpose of these terms and conditions the words "agreed", subject to section 1, means agreed in writing in the booking confirmation form and signed by duly authorised representatives of both the Agency and the client. ​ 22 General a) If any of the terms, conditions or provisions of these terms and conditions or the booking confirmation are determined by any competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, such term, condition or provision will to that extent, be severed from the remaining terms, conditions and provisions which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law. b) Any termination of all or part of these terms and conditions shall not affect the coming into force or the continuance in force of any provision of these terms and conditions which is expressly or by implication intended to come into force or continue in force on or after such termination. c) Except as otherwise expressly provided in these terms and conditions, all representations, warranties, undertakings, agreements, covenants, indemnities and obligations made or given or entered into by the client and the ultimate client under these terms and conditions are assumed by them jointly and severally. d) Nothing in these terms and conditions shall render any party a partner or agent of the other. Except as expressly permitted by these terms and conditions, nothing shall allow a party to purport to undertake any obligation on behalf of the other nor expose the other party to any liability nor pledge or purport to pledge the other's credit. e) No failure to exercise and no delay in exercising on the part of either party of any right, power or privileged under these terms and conditions shall operate as a waiver of it. Nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege preclude the enforcement of any other right, power or privilege. Nor shall the waiver of any breach of a provision be taken or held to be a waiver of the provision itself. For a waiver to be effective it must be made in writing. f) Except as and to the extent expressly otherwise specified in these terms and conditions, the rights and remedies contained in these terms and conditions are cumulative and are not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law or elsewhere in these terms and conditions. g) The parties agree to keep, and to instruct its agents, employees, advisers and sub-contractors with knowledge hereof to keep these terms and conditions strictly private and confidential and not to disclose any details relating to the same, subject to disclosure in the following circumstances; (i) to enable enforcement of the party’s rights under these terms and conditions; (ii) with the prior written consent of the other party; and (iii) as required by any applicable law h) These terms and conditions and the booking form constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any previous agreement or arrangement between the parties relating to the subject matter of these terms and conditions. i) No variation or amendment to the terms of these terms and conditions shall be valid and binding unless in writing and signed by an authorised representative of each party. j) Except where these terms and conditions expressly provides otherwise, a person who is not a party to these terms and conditions has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of these terms and conditions but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from under that Act. The client acknowledges, accepts and agrees that the Agency has entered into these terms and conditions for the benefit of itself and the model and accordingly the model shall be entitled to enforce these terms and conditions as if he/she were a party to these terms and conditions. k) The parties agree that these terms and conditions and its provisions will be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. ​ July 2009


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    Nemesis Commercials We are NEMESIS COMMERCIALS. We have a range of TV Commercial artists and lifestyle models. Some excel in dancing, singing, presenting or special skills. As well as individuals we also represent real couples and families. Our broad client base allows the artists to work on jobs ranging from Betfred to House of Fraser! RUBICON Sophie Slusarenko BARKER & STONEHOUSE Michael Oates, Tee Morris, Ffion Rees & Paige Lawrence KULA APARTMENTS Briony Blenman NORTHERN TRAINS Sharon Elder, Anisa Baker & Team Nemesis PERONI X FIRST DATES Alan Bailey JD SPORTS Mica Lucy & Team Nemesis LOVE HONEY Peter Adams & Lisa Hoang SALBOY Isaac Fowler & Nicole Jade EA SPORTS Kyla Spindler & Kofi Johnson JBL Aert STAGECOACH Fern Taylor, Ryan Kayode, Tino Giaccatto & Roanna Walker TRAINLINE Jade Ford & Freddy Tonkmor COTTAGES.COM The Turner Family GenM Jen Collings VIRGIN ATLANTIC Kat Searle POUNDLAND Curtis Waugh JOLLYES Sutcliffe Family




    NEMESIS CASTING MANCHESTER OCTOBER STANDOUTS Barker & Stonehouse Fern Taylor, Oliver Fernandez & Anthony Hurd BBC Alma's Not Normal Nemesis Supporting Artists The Blossoms Jane Cheshire, Thomas & Theo Funny Woman Nemesis Supporting Artists Rebecca Jackson Profile Update FULL BLOG 3 days ago REBECCA JACKSON 3 days ago GUS Oct 4 JANE CHESHIRE Oct 4 DI KNOWLES Oct 2 GENM CAMPAIGN Sep 30 Piccolino's Sep 30 ALMA'S NOT NORMAL Sep 23 FUNNY WOMAN Sep 20 BLOSSOMS Sep 19 BARKER & STONEHOUSE 1 2 3 4 5


    All Posts COMMERCIALS PRODUCTIONS NOW REPRESENTING ARTIST UPDATES BEHIND THE SCENES WATCH OUT FOR 19 hours ago COMMERCIALS BUPA See some of our Nemesis Families on this Family Mental Health Campaign for BUPA. -Luke & Ivan Davis -Lisa & Hayden -Sue-Yen & Frederica 1 day ago PRODUCTIONS DADDY ISSUES Stream the new comedy series DADDY ISSUES on BBC Three and IPlayer now. Spot our Nemesis Artists on this production! 1 day ago COMMERCIALS RIVA BLU RESTAURANTS Check out Solomon Hughes and Abbie Law-Briggs on the socials for RIva Blu Restaurants!

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